Choose Life!
Living our best life starts with us making a decision to receive the gift of life that Christ offers. He came so that we could have a rich and satisfying life here on earth that lasts for eternity. Our day to day doesn’t have to be drab, dry, and boring. We can make the choice to experience an adventurous, well rounded, and meaningful life with Christ. We are meant to live with purpose and to make the most of what we have been given. That’s why it’s important to discover why we have been created. Knowing this can help us avoid wasting time, motivate us to live with intention, and it gives us a sense of fulfilment. As we go about our lives, we are also to enjoy the journey. Life is so much better when we have a positive attitude, are having fun, and spending time with the ones we love. I know our schedules can get hectic at times but we must make time to do the things that we enjoy because a life well lived is one that is well balanced. I know that we all experience ups and downs in life but in general, our lives should so overflow with goodness that it touches those around us. The substance of our lives and who we are should not be contained but shared with others. Today I encourage us to choose Life daily, make the most of each day, and have fun while doing it!
John 10:10 (AMP)
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].