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Let the Sonshine In!

Psalm 119:130 (KJV)

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.

The truth of God's word shines light on our inner man and gives us understanding about our faith. We can also find insight and answers to any situation that we may face. It’s like having a manual that we can refer to at any time as we are navigating our way through life. There is nothing new under the sun and whatever may be occurring in our lives at any moment is addressed. It’s important to remember that in order for the light to enter, we have to do our part and open our hearts. Many of us have closed our hearts or put up walls around them due to past hurts, disappointments, and fear. I believe this is our natural way of protecting ourselves. However, God and His word can be trusted. He has proven Himself to be completely faithful, loving, and dependable. It's okay to let our guards down and open your hearts to Him. His presence alone can completely heal us from anything that has happened in our past. When we allow the Word to enter, we can expect to gain insight, understanding, and ultimately transformation from the inside out. This will free us to live the incredible life that He intends for us to have.

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