Take a Moment to Praise
Psalm 103:1 (KJV)
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Today it’s all about praise! Take some time to think about the things that God has done for you over the last few days and thank Him for it. Whether is an opportunity that you received, the fact that you can breathe on your own, or that you have loving people around you. It is all praiseworthy. Praise should be directed towards God and should come from a genuine place within our soul. Our souls are our minds, wills, and emotions. We can focus our thoughts on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report as a way to praise God with our minds. What we allow ourselves to think about determines our attitude and ultimately our reality. So why not dwell on the goodness of God? We can also praise God out of our wills by intentionally having a positive attitude no matter what the day brings. Having this type of mindset can literally change the course of our day. David also praised God with his emotions. He sang songs with joy, cried out to the Lord, and danced with all his might. We too can express love, joy, and excitement during our day which will have an effect not only on ourselves but our environments and those we interact with. Today I want to encourage us all to recognize the goodness of God in our lives and to give Him praise for it.