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Love That Never Fails

God takes pleasure in and loves to be with us. He knows everything about our past, present, and future and still accepts and wants a relationship with us. It is important to have a deep sense that God loves us with a real, faithful, and unconditional love. We can count on His love for us in any situation, good or bad. His love does not run out, give up, or go away based what we do. It is always there no matter what. People may have disappointed us in the past but God’s love never will. Since God’s love for us is dependable, we can safely place our hope in it. Our hope is our confidence, trust, and expectation for good. We no longer have to worry about our abilities or another person’s power to make a situation go the way that we desire. Doing so is putting our hope in ourselves and other people. Instead, we can rest in knowing that the outcome of our situation will be good because God loves us and is for us. Today I encourage us all to open our hearts and receive God’s love that will never fail.

Psalm 147:11 (NIV)

The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

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