Thankful Thursday!!
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving with your family and loved ones last week! Let’s keep the momentum going for being grateful. There are so many things to be thankful for, not just during this season, but all year long. I can honestly say that I am grateful for my great circle of family and friends who keep me going. I am also thankful for the gift of today and all that I have right now. Even though I look forward and am working towards to the future, it’s nice to be content and have peace about what is going on in my life at this moment. I could go on and on about all that I am thankful for but don’t have the space to write it all:)
This year you may have experienced some high highs and some low lows. We all do, it is a part of life. Whatever your experiences may be, there is always something good present. Our perspective shapes the way we view ourselves and our circumstances. It also influences just how grateful we are. I am convinced there is always something positive to draw out of even the worst of situations. Having a proper perspective helps to keep life balanced, effects your well-being, and shapes your reality.
My challenge to you is to continue being grateful by thinking of 5 things that you are thankful for first thing in the morning and at bedtime. It is a great way to start and end each day. Being thankful also helps to view life in the proper perspective and attracts what you want in your life. Enjoy the being grateful and Merry Christmas!! :)