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Healthy Living in 2019 and Beyond

I hope that 2019 is off to a great start for all of you! I’m pretty sure that most of you have made some type of health, nutrition, or fitness goal. I’ll admit that I have too. We usually start the year off with great momentum and then we gradually lose our enthusiasm. I believe that the reason why we see this happen is because we need a change in our mindset about what we are trying to achieve.

A lot of health, nutrition, and fitness goals are centered around losing weight. For some of us losing the weight will help us fit into those old pair of jeans or look good for an upcoming event. Yes, it is good to be motivated by these things but the effects are often temporary. What we should want is a mind set change that leads to long term results. Instead of the short term ‘dieting’ mindset, let’s shift to a ‘healthy lifestyle’ mindset. The latter focuses on starting and sustaining a lifestyle that takes care of the body, spirit, and soul throughout our lifetime.

Below are some tips for starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  • Know your WHY: Your why is your long term goal that becomes your inspiration. Let’s make it bigger and more significant than losing 10 pounds. For instance, my why is that I want to live a very long life. As I age, I want to have a good quality of life by being in good physical health and having a sharp mind. Therefore, I have to make choices today that steer me in that direction. Know your why and let it motivate you.

  • Make yourself and your health a priority: Just a reminder that you and your health (body, soul, and spirit) are important. We tend to make sure that everyone else around us is doing well and often leave ourselves behind. It’s important to take care of ourselves first so that we can be the best for ourselves and others. Make going to your annual physical, stimulating your mind, and engaging in a regular spiritual practice a priority.

  • Get proper sleep and rest: Our bodies require a certain amount of sleep and rest to recharge and function. When it doesn’t get what it needs over a prolonged period of time, our health suffers. I’m sure you’ve experienced that well rested people are much more pleasant to be around!

  • Eat well: I’m trying to do better in this area myself. I have a sweet tooth that gets excited too often lol but it is okay to have a cheat day! We should think of food as fuel for our bodies so that they can function properly. Find what works best for you according to what your body needs and consume in moderation.

  • Get moving: The old wive’s tale is true, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. Our bodies were made to move. Exercise most days of the week is beneficial in so many ways. Find activities that are enjoyable which will increase the likelihood that you’ll be consistent.

  • Manage your company: The people we allow ourselves to be around directly affect our mood and overall happiness. Choose those who you can feed positively from and vice versa.

  • Keep stress levels low: This can be hard at times in our fast paced society. I am learning to manage how much I can have on my plate at one time. This requires saying no, prioritizing, and finding constructive ways to manage stress.

These are just a few ways to promote a healthy lifestyle and I’m sure you know of others. I hope that you transition to a better mindset and ditch the diet mentality. Best wishes to you in 2019 as you achieve all of your goals especially those related to having a healthy lifestyle!

“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” 3 John 2

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